About Us

Comtrade Technology is a Melbourne based technology solutions business, the business started in Brisbane back in 2004 as an IT solution company where we served consumers and small businesses for their IT needs. Comtrade Technology worked with Enterprise Network data centres as well as done the easy provisioning of modems for end users and fundamental network setups thru to complex multi hop networks both wired and wireless environments.

As we have witnessed in the last two decades how technology advanced in our life, most of the electronic devices that interact with human have moved online to be on the world wide web or the internet, being it from your old Casio wrist watch to your smart watch and the list goes on.

We at Comtrade Technology work around tailoring most of the devices that can get online to work simultaneously, having a strong IT fundamental we can determine the right solution for specific products to work together and serve the customer at their best capabilities.

Since most of the security systems being it in Alarm System or CCTV moved to IP communication standard, running cables and powering up the system is not a sufficient expertise  for an installer to have, this where an opportunity came along to start focusing on the security market, where we make sure those systems are installed and configured to service the customer as they were made to do.

Contact us today to book your next free appointment for face to face discussion about your next technology project or an installation that you want to get done.

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